Tuesday 24 June 2014

(to wander)

(to wander), 3 mins, 2014, is made up of many faces I have sourced over a long period of time. (to wander) was shown at 'LUX13' Arcadia Missa, London in June & will be shown at Millennium Films, NYC in September. Here's a selection of stills from the film:
(to wander) © Kim L Pace 2014
(to wander) © Kim L Pace 2014
(to wander) © Kim L Pace 2014
(to wander) took it's starting point from a title given to me by one of the LUX13 group. Each member of the group put forward a word or short phrase and made a new work in response to something given to them. LUX13 met regularly over the past year at LUX in London, to present, share and discuss ideas related to their work.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Charles Bukowski - Born into this

His quotes often hit the mark
And an artist can also be a woman who says a difficult thing in a simple way
I knew about Charles Bukowski when I was a student, but only through watching the film/ documentary about his life recently have I really seen and heard his work in the context of him and his life. A riveting film - showing the pain and disappointment he lived with, how this filtered into his work and how he sustained a sense of dry humour and razor sharp insight.
I've started reading 'Ham on Rye', the thinly veiled autobiography of his early years.